Biogas scan

Biogas scan

Biogas scan

Our Biogas Scan is a powerful tool that allows users to calculate two simple scenarios: the sale of biogas and the upgrading of biogas to natural gas quality, also known as green gas. With this tool, you can quickly and easily assess the feasibility of both options. This provides insight into the potential profitability of your own biogas project on your property. The Biogas Scan is a valuable resource for businesses looking to invest in sustainable energy generation and accelerate the transition to green, circular practices.

Take the free Biogas Scan!

Take the Biogas Scan!
Bio-UP is a monomanure digester.

Financial feasibility

The Biogas Scan uses advanced calculations and models to provide a detailed insight into the financial feasibility of a monomanure digester. The assessment process includes, among other factors, the analysis of manure yield, any specific requirements regarding the digester, and the revenue model. Based on this data, the scan can provide an indication of whether implementing a monomanure digester is a profitable and sustainable choice for the business.

Objective and structured result

The scan provides businesses with an objective and structured approach to assess the potential of a mono-manure digester. By using this tool, entrepreneurs can strengthen their decision-making process and make informed investment decisions. The biogas scan contributes to a sustainable future by encouraging the production of green energy from manure, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting circular agricultural practices.

Take the online biogas scan!

About Bio-Line

Bio-Line is part of CCS Energie-advies. One of CCS Energie-advies’s areas of expertise is calculating various business cases. For this purpose, we use tools we have developed. Besides the biogas scan, we have also developed a nitrogen scan, which calculates the possibility of a nitrogen stripper. So you can calculate this directly online whether these are interesting for you. If you cannot work it out, we will be happy to go through it with you during an informal talk.

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Contactpersoon Biogas scan

Dieter Groen Msc

Dieter Groen Msc


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