From biogas to green gas with the Bio-UP

From biogas to green gas with the Bio-UP

From biogas to green gas with the Bio-UP

The installation for producing green gas consists of the following three elements: fresh manure removal from the stable to a storage unit for the digester, the digester itself, the green gas upgrading installation (the Bio-UP), and, for the digestate, either post-cooling (stabilizing the digestate while recovering heat) or a post-storage system.

This page explains in detail how the Bio-UP works: how biogas can be “upgraded” to green gas. It also highlights how, through innovation, manure can be used to heat our homes. Green gas from biogas is a proven alternative to natural gas. For example, almost the entire village of Hoge Hexel is already supplied with green gas thanks to a single pig farmer. To make this possible, the farmer has a Bio-UP installation on his property.
Additionally, there is the Bio-HUB: an installation capable of producing green gas on an even larger scale by connecting manure digesters from multiple farmers.

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Make optimal use of your biogas.

A specially designed mono-manure digester with a gas upgrading installation makes the production of green gas possible on a small scale. Such an installation produces up to approximately 4,800 MWh or 480,000 m3 of green gas from biogas annually. This amount of green gas is produced by digesting only manure (mono-manure).

What is biogas made of?

Biogas is made up of 55% methane (the main component of natural gas), CO2, sulfur compounds, and water. Biogas is produced through the anaerobic (oxygen-free) conversion of organic material. This happens naturally in the environment (swamp gas), but increasingly under controlled conditions, such as in a digester. In addition to manure, other organic materials like organic waste (GFT) and sewage sludge are also digested. Biogas also forms in landfills (landfill gas). In most cases, a combined heat and power (CHP) unit captures this and converts it into heat and electricity.


From biogas to green gas with the Bio-UP with a small consumer connection!

Biogas upgrading starts with transporting the biogas to the Bio-UP gas reprocessing plant. Then biogas reprocessing into green gas goes through several stages. The result is a perfect alternative to natural gas, thanks to animals, farmers and innovation. A step closer to the ultimate form of circular agriculture. Grid congestion is the big bottleneck in the further development of renewable energy. It is impossible on many farms either to get more electricity or to drain more. That is why Bio-Line has developed the Bio-Up, low-pressure system with low electricity demand.


The Bio-UP generates an alternative to gas.

The process

– The biogas is cleaned in a carbon filter. This mainly removes H2S. The efficiency of this filter is then measured. If the level of H2S is too high, an alarm goes off and the biogas goes back to the digester. – The clean biogas goes to the Amine washer. This is a column, where the gas is fed in from below and where the amine liquid is fed in from above. This amine absorbs the CO2. What then remains is pure methane. – To feed green gas into the gas grid, it must have exactly the same composition as natural gas. We achieve this by mixing in nitrogen gas (N2), which is extracted from outside air with the nitrogen generator. – An CG plant then measures the gas quality. If the gas is satisfactory, it is fed into the low-pressure gas network.


To reuse the amines indefinitely, they are regenerated. This is done by heating the liquid containing amines. In this process, the CO2 evaporates and the amines can again absorb CO2 from the biogas. It is possible to capture this clean CO2 and reuse it in industry or horticulture. Moreover, heating can be supplied with different fuels (wood, biogas, green gas, etc.) and then reused to heat the biogas plant (digester). This saves significant costs! The technology of the Bio-UP is quite different from the commonly used membrane technology. A major advantage of the Bio-UP over membrane technology is that much less methane disappears into the atmosphere during the process (methane slip).


Controls of the Bio-UP

The control of the Bio-UP is largely automated and adjustable remotely. Moreover, the installation operates 24 hours a day, which means it is quick to detect, adjust and/or resolve faults. The control system also quickly provides the network operator with all necessary data on the quality of the gas. The Bio-UP creates a great alternative to gas.

Free biogas scan

Delivery, installation and maintenance

You get the Bio-UP biogas plant delivered ready-made in a container. It can therefore be installed quickly and flexibly. In addition, the Bio-Up is fully automated and can be remotely controlled. Besides a manual and instructions upon delivery, you also get a service contract from the installer. This service contract guarantees optimum maintenance and a 24-hour breakdown service. As a result, you will spend few labour hours keeping this installation running. Moreover, the pressureless system ensures that the installation is safe and reliable and has low maintenance costs.

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Contactpersoon From biogas to green gas with the Bio-UP

Dieter Groen Msc

Dieter Groen Msc


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