Online scan

Online scan

Biogas & Nitrogen scan

Discover the possibilities for your business with our free online scans. The biogas scan provides insight into the technical and financial feasibility of a manure digester on your farm. The nitrogen scan assesses whether a nitrogen stripper is profitable, helps save on disposal costs, and makes fertilizer production possible. Need assistance? We’d be happy to discuss it with you during a no-obligation consultation.

Take the Biogas Scan!

Biogas scan

The Biogas Scan provides insight into your situation and the feasibility of acquiring and using a manure digester on your farm. After completing the free scan, we would be happy to provide you with free advice.

Take the free Biogas Scan!

Nitrogen Scan

Discover if it is profitable for you (or your business) to acquire a nitrogen stripper. A nitrogen stripper saves a lot of money by avoiding disposal costs and by producing your own fertilizer.

Take the free Nitrogen Scan!

About Bio-Line

Bio-Line is part of CCS Energie-advies. One of CCS Energie-advies’s areas of expertise is calculating various business cases. For this purpose, we use tools developed by us. Above, we have highlighted a few tools. So you can calculate online whether these are interesting for you. If you cannot work it out, we will be happy to discuss it with you during an informal meeting.

Alle werkgebieden

Contactpersoon Online scan

Dieter Groen Msc

Dieter Groen Msc


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